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Scala & Functional Programming Interview Practice
First Section
Welcome! (6:55)
Scala Recap (16:00)
Working with Lists
Lists Intro (19:04)
Get K-th element (easy) (10:57)
Length (easy) (7:45)
Reverse (easy) (11:36)
Concatenation (easy) (10:31)
Remove K-th element (easy) (10:15)
The big 3: map, flatMap, filter (easy) (24:28)
Run-length Encoding (medium) (15:20)
Duplicate Elements (medium) (10:35)
Rotate List (medium) (12:18)
Random Samples (medium) (10:59)
An Improved flatMap (medium) (15:24)
Insertion Sort (hard) (15:24)
Merge Sort (hard) (20:06)
Quick Sort (hard) (20:10)
Numbers and Math
Prime check (easy) (10:12)
Decompose into Primes (easy) (13:07)
(bonus) Enhancing Numbers (6:00)
Approximating Pi (medium) (8:53)
Recurring Decimals (hard) (26:30)
Largest Number (easy) (13:19)
Reverse Integer (easy) (11:45)
Parse Integer (medium) (17:17)
Ugly Number (medium) (17:42)
Duplicates (medium) (20:08)
Count Chars (easy) (7:31)
Anagram Check (medium) (4:33)
Valid Parentheses (easy) (9:28)
Generate Valid Parentheses (medium) (10:36)
Justify (hard) (26:33)
Ransom note (easy) (9:21)
Compare Version Numbers (medium) (13:37)
Multiply Strings (hard) (29:03)
Reorganize Strings (medium) (16:13)
Reverse Words (easy) (4:24)
Working with Trees
Trees Intro (5:14)
Check Leaves (easy) (11:37)
Size (easy) (5:52)
Collect Nodes at Level (medium) (9:25)
Mirroring a Tree (medium) (18:30)
Shape of you? (medium) (15:14)
ToList (medium) (23:03)
Path Sum (medium) (18:06)
Path Sum 2 (hard) (31:51)
Surveillance Cameras (hard) (40:34)
Working with Graphs
Graphs Intro and Degrees (8:26)
Path Check (medium) (9:52)
Find Path (medium) (16:08)
Make Undirected (medium) (8:25)
Graph Coloring (hard) (16:28)
Find Town Judge (easy) (11:03)
University Courses (easy) (11:47)
University Courses 2 (medium) (29:46)
Computer Network Delay (hard) (29:25)
Interesting Problems
ASCII Fractals with Sierpinski (medium) (11:50)
N-Queens (hard) (26:19)
Pocket Calculator (hard) (25:42)
You ROCK! (0:30)
Mirroring a Tree (medium)
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